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Kids Need Chiropractic TOO!

     Chiropractic has had a stigma that it is for pain relief.  This couldn't be farther from the truth!  Our bodies are self healing and self regulating.  The nervous system which consists of the brain, spinal cord and nerves controls and coordinates all functions of the body.  If there are any blocks along this pathway communication is LOST!  In children this may result in colic, acid reflux, ear infections, feeding or latching issues, asthma, allergies, ADD/ADHD, sleep issues, digestive issues, low energy, headaches, ect. The list is endless.  Regardless of the end result, the bodies ability to function at optimal level is dependent on its ablility to communicate at the highest level.

     Chiropractors are trained to evaluate the nervous system and remove any blocks along this communication pathway.  The bodies ability to fight infection, control organ function, eliminate waste, and respond to stress, is done more efficiently when the subluxations are removed. 

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